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Over the past four years the La Salle JFC Executive identified that the continued existence of the La Salle Junior Football Club (the club) was going to be compromised by not being a true community club as we only fielded teams that could be supported by the La Salle College school year groups. The year groups were year 7’s through to year 12’s (Youth competition). By only having teams in the Youth competition and relying on players from La Salle College we had difficulties in fielding teams in all years and did not have a pathway from the younger grades to youth.


The committee was working towards moving from the college and becoming a community club with a pathway from Auskick to Youth. We identified a new playing field being proposed by the City of Swan in Caversham and had advised our club community of the intended move in the years to come.


At the conclusion of the 2014 season the La Salle JFC AGM voted (by majority) to dissolve the club and form the Caversham Suns JFC.


The Swans District Football Development Council (SDFDC) encouraged and supported this move.


Consequentially and to provide the current (La Salle) club players the opportunity to continue playing together as a club with the mates they had been playing with, the La Salle JFC was dissolved 6 November 2014, and the Caversham Junior Football Club (Caversham JFC) was formed in its stead.


The Caversham JFC is now based at William Henry Oval on Suffolk Street in Caversham


The Caversham JFC wants ensure the History and tradition of La Salle JFC is fostered and maintain links to La Salle College which is supported by Mr Bull, College Principal. I


Although the La Salle JFC has been dissolved we intended on ensuring the history and tradition forged by La Salle JFC are maintained as much as possible and all future members are reminded of what a great team and club La Salle was.




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